Asmoclef'sCommission info

Heyhey! My name's Asmoclef, refered to as Asmo by friends. Welvome to my commission info, in here you'll find My rights, your rights as a customer, or just be able to view more of my art and get to know me better.

Commission status: OPEN


I am a male, Lithuanian furry-artist, and artist in general. I'm 15, attending high-school and having my future already played in my head. I am not planning on making art my fulltime job, but art is a part of my life and If I abandon it, it would be like abandoning a piece of myself. I love making art, and all I am looking for is to create and inspire others.Please be nice <3


If you have any questions or anything has occured with the following:✦ You did not recieve your product
✦ If you have questions
✦ Tips about art
Please contact me via - Email, Twitter, or Discord by "Asmoclef#7015"I'm always up for making friends

About commissions:

Commission prices vary on complexity of your character and how many characters you'd like to include.By ordering a commission, you accept and comply my TOS.If you want to order a commission, feel free to contact me.
[view - contacts]
+Detailed backgrounds
+Characters interacting

Types of commissions:✦ Headshot/Bust
✦ Waist
✦ Full body
✦ Character sketch page sheet
✦ Refference sheet

Headshots, waists and full body are available in - Sketch, full color, and full render.Character sketch pages and Reference sheets are only available in - sketch and flat color.I will not draw NSFW as I am still a minor.

Headshot / Bust

sketch - 15$
flat - 10$
full - 25$


sketch - 15$
flat - 25$
full - 40$

Full body

sketch - 20$
flat - 30$
full - 50$

Character sketch page

Sketch - 30$ to 35$ depending on complexityFlat - 50$ to 60$ depending on compexityI usually incorperate 3 poses, (different body parts) and a back.Character sketch page customs are available!
Flat only - 60$

Reference sheet

Depending on the what you want included, it'll be anywhere from 80$-90$a custom is 120$ minimum

Please keep in mind that my artwork and skill is constantly changing and evolving and so is my stile, so finished product may not always look like in the pictures above. Thank you for understanding! <3(Also, quality of some photo's has been reduced to fit into the sheet. I apologise. I try to provide the best quality for my customers, and I send the products through gmail or other source of sharing)


By choosing to commission me, you agree to read the following terms and adhere to the following:The payment is for a digital good in the form of a digital image that is custom made according to the customers order, no physical item will be recieved.My art is always changing and evolving, some finished pieces may not always look like the examples providedPlease make sure you are familiar with my work before commissioning me, If you think that a specific commission cannot be done with my art style, then you may want to reconsider commissioning me.I will not give you an unwatermarked version of my drawing.It is your responsibility to save the drawing, I might delete it after a week or so when the client recieved it. (unless posted)By commisioning me you purchase my time and art labour only. It is your responsibility to confirm the commission and the purchase.I retain all copyright of my artwork, which include but are not limited to the right distribute such as
sales or self promition.
My artwork is not to be claimed as someone elses.The commissioner, and the commissioner only has the right to post it as long as they credit/link me to the post.The commissioner is allowed to use my art in personal uses such as; Profile pictures, as a gift for someone else, use it on any social media as a profile as long as there's a credit.Please do not redistribute, edit or re-sell my artwork. (unless it is an adopt)!ABOUT PAYMENT!
Currently I only use Paypal as my way of recieving and sending.
I will return the money if I am incapable of completing the cleint's product.If the product is already made and the client is unsatisfied with it, I will not return the payment as what you purchased was; my time and art labour only. I cannot take it back.Thank you for reading my TOS!